Thursday 2 April 2009

My Top Ten Films

I've been giving this a lot of thought recently, in a desert island disc's kinda of way, "if I could only take 10 films what would they be?" Its not as easy as it sounds! I love films, love them and feel a need to own them, which leads to constant storage problems & the lack of funky interesting furniture with good access...but thats a whole other section!
Anyway I wouldn't go as far as to say I'm a film buff, cause I know there are those out there who would see this as a challenge and start posting obscure questions! I can't quote the 5th line from part 2 of the Star Wars sextuplet!! Or tell you who wrote the theme tune to Matrix! I just love film so here we go...

1. Star Wars - the only way this works is by my rules which means "Star Wars" is one film! Hell its all one story right!? I can't pick one out, I know most people hate the first 3 movies but I don't, I love them all! Yes 4, 5 & 6 edges it but I was very young when they hit the cinema, 8 years old when I saw the first and can still remember being blown away forever by that film...ahh memories

2. Lord Of the Rings - again by my reckoning one story therefore I get to take them all! yeah this isn't so bad! Read the books a couple of times (you need to!) seen the films at the cinema and have the extended love love! Peter Jackson we salute you! I've watched the documentaries to, does anyone else feel like they wish they had been part of the gang?

3. My Neighbour Tortoro - Hayao Miyazaki...yes a cartoon, in fact pretty much everything by Miyazaki but this is it if I had to choose one...a close run thing between this "Spirited Away" and "Howl's Moving Castle"...there's other brilliant one's to, a special mention to "The Castle of Cagliostro" also awesome. My Neighbour Tortoro, is quite simply beautiful, the characters, the drawings everything.

Hmm now its getting tricky because I have a list of 14 of which I can only pick 7..!

4. Watchmen - I know its only just been released but what a film...truely awesome...from the moment it finished I wanted to see it again and it will be gracing my collection when it comes out in the shops...Dr.Manhattan beautiful, Rorschach the best one liners, all of them brilliant. If you haven't seen it yet then I highly recommend it and you don't need to be a comic book fan to enjoy the film.

5. House of Flying Daggers - it was a toss up between this and "Hero"...both are stunningly beautiful films, superbly shot, acted, thought them both but I'll take this one for the drum/dancing scene alone!

6. Matrix - now here I will stick to the rules and only take the first one! The first in the trilogy is undeniably brilliant and feels like a low budget indie film, brilliant concept, good film. That's not to say I didn't like the other 2, I did but just because I didn't want the story to end, but for me there was too much real world and not enough in the construct world...I have them all but would definately have the first film over the other 2.

7. Kill Bill - Quentin, don't you love him! I love this film or both of these films and back to my original rules I get to take both as its one story! is my favourite QT film with Pulp Fiction a close second...I don't prefer the Japanese section over the Western, I see it as all one and I think it should have been one film...Lord of the Rings proved that people will sit through a film of 3hours plus...I certainly would and the only irritating thing about Kill Bill was the wait for the second one!

8. Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark - Hmm now I can't claim this as one story this time can I!? So it has to be the first, its definately not the most recent! I didn't see it at the cinema but bought it on the strength of the others and was a bit disappointed. It was enjoyable but not memorable for me. Aliens?? He's a treasure hunter, it was all a bit to X files, for my liking anyway and I'm sure there are plenty who loved it.

9. Bourne Trilogy - Now this is one story and I loved them all. The way it was shot, the action, its a proper action movie. The first may just edge it but they are all good.

10. Kung Fu Hustle - I love this movie, its funny, the characters are just brilliant, especially the Landlady of Pig Sty Alley, funny as hell. Its just a very funny story executed brilliantly. My kids love this too...the dancing Axe Gang! Brilliant!

So there you go, but I feel the need to mention the others that I had a hard time leaving out...Fight Club, Donnie Darko, The Life of Brian, Blade Runner, The Shawshank Redemption, Casino Royale - the best Bond Movie for me, and Kung Fu Panda!!

Thanks for reading, and comments are welcome!

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